This scene depicts a forest located just a few minutes by bicycle form our office,
and is the stage of Studio Ghibli’s animation “Totoro”.
It is an important natural haven representing Tokyo.

Humans and nature are closely intertwined,
not just climbers but the general population as well.
Most activities we pursue have a negative effect on the environment,
but we must try our best to minimize the damage.

Tokyo Powder is supporting Some Foundation to protect forest

The ideal way to reduce CO2 emissions

The byproducts of obtaining salt and the byproducts of human life are added together.

Magnesium hydroxide is contained in the liquid that remains after salt has been extracted from seawater. By reacting this with co2, magnesium carbonate is refined. The production of magnesium carbonate "consumes" carbon dioxide.
* The magnesium carbonate production plant uses large-scale solar energy to generate electricity.
Raw material circulation system

This circulation chart shows the process of our main ingredient, Magnesium Carbonate, which accounts for 95% of our raw material purchases.

Salt is produced and obtained from seawater, and carbon dioxide that is discharged in the process is used to react with magnesium to form magnesium carbonate.

The high purity magnesium carbonate is shipped to our factory, where we hand mix trace amounts of food-safe reagents to give you maximal friction

The finished chalk is used by climbers and remains on the rock, drained by rain. The flow is ionized in the ground and decomposes, eventually making it back to the sea where it all started.
Investigation of CO2 emissions

As a business, we need to consider the impact of our activities to the environment. Besides the effect that we share as climbers to nature and the rock, we are equally concerned in minimizing the carbon dioxide levels from our production and sales activities. We keep a close record of the emissions and always try to reduce the amount, and offset it.

Renewable energy

We have partnered with a power company that supplies natural energy to reduce the impact of our production. Currently, 50% of our energy supply is from solar, wind and hydropower, while the remaining 50% is supplied by a general electric company. This electrical company uses non-fossil sources to supply us the electricity, keeping it as clean as possible.

Reuse bottles

We are working on reusing bottle packages in Japan. Reused bottles will be reused and added to the lineup. We are planning a program to increase bottle collection volume.

Live Through Climbing

Our goals are to make things simple, yet effective in all manners.
Because we are small, we have the ability to adapt quickly from past initiatives,
improving work efficiency and improving skills – leading to higher quality and lower environmental impact.

We believe in the way of the climb. Bonded to nature, simple, yet immensely enjoyable.
Anything can be as simple as climbing, if we want it to be.